Clarifying Your Tasks

topic: βš™οΈ Productivity

source: Getting things done
tags: #permanent-noteΒ #published

Last Modified: =dateformat(this.file.mtime, "MMM. dd, yyyy - HH:mm")

To clarify what to do, first decide if the item is actionable. If it is, what is the next action? If it is not, trash it, incubate it, or file it.

This is the next step after you have captured all things in your inbox.

You now want to clarify, what to do about each item.

There are three important rules when processing your inbox:

  1. only process one item at a time
  2. nothing goes back into the inbox
  3. process the top item first

For each item, you have first to ask yourself the following question:

Is it Actionable?


This means it is only information for you. One of the following steps should be done:

  1. Trash it
    If the information is not relevant enough, don't let it clutter your space. Throw it away.

  2. Incubate it
    Maybe there is something to do with the information, but not yet. In this case, create a reminder to come back to that topic later.

  3. File it
    If the item only has informational value, file it in your reference system, either digitally or physically


What is the next action?
This means the next physical action. Formulate the step as clear as possible. Avoid abstract actions like schedule meeting. Who is part of the meeting? How do you invite everyone? Formulate it out so that it is easy to do it when you want to tackle the task and don't need to overthink it then.