Defining Union Types
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๐ฆ TypeScript | TypeScript course by the native web |
Union types give you a way to limit the possible values for a property.
Imagine a shop with different brand names:
type Brand =
'' |
'' |
'your-shop France';
const getTitle = function (brand: Brand): string {
return `${brand} shop`;
Or some platform configurations:
type OperatingSystem = 'macOS' | 'Linux' | 'Windows';
type Browser = 'Chrome' | 'Firefox' | 'Safari';
interface Platform {
operatingSystem: OperatingSystem;
browser: Browser;
const chromeOnWindows: Platform = {
browser: 'Chrome',
operatingSystem: 'Windows'
export {};
You can also use unions with interfaces:
interface UnversionedPlatform {
operatingSystem: string;
browser: string;
interface VersionedPlatform {
operatingSystem: string;
operatingSystemVersion: string;
browser: string;
browserVersion: string;
// we either want versions for both, or not at all
type Platform = UnversionedPlatform | VersionedPlatform;
// this doesn't work, because we are missing browserVersion
const platform: Platform = {
operatingSystem: 'macOS',
operatingSystemVersion: 'Catalina',
browser: 'Chrome'
export {};