Five Steps Of Project Planning

topic: βš™οΈ Productivity
links: Everything that takes multiple steps is a project
source: Getting things done
tags: #permanent-noteΒ #published

Last Modified: =dateformat(this.file.mtime, "MMM. dd, yyyy - HH:mm")

If you are stuck with a project, follow these 5 steps to get it going.

There are five steps to get a project going and keep it on its tracks:

1. Defining Purpose and Principles

At first, you have to decide why you are doing something. This is important to frame your decisions and gives you a motivation. It also helps you to define your goals.

2. Envisioning

Envision yourself having succeeded. What is your desired outcome? Again, this creates goals and motivation.

3. Brainstorming

Write down all your ideas and tasks as they come to mind. Be completely judgement free to allow ideas to just come to your mind.

4. Organizing

Structure the result of your brainstorming. Trash useless ideas and sort useful ones.

5. Define the next Action

Define the next physical action, that is required to move the project forward. Be as precise as possible. Call meeting is not precise. Who is part of the meeting? When to schedule it?

However, not all projects need to be written out. For most projects, you can do these steps automatically in your head. Maybe 5% of projects are big enough that you really need to write out these steps.