PETES Principle

topic: ⚙️ Productivity
links: Write down your achievements
source: Berufsoptimierer #045
tags: #permanent-note #published

Last Modified: =dateformat(this.file.mtime, "MMM. dd, yyyy - HH:mm")

PETES is a framework to write down your achievements in a way that makes it easier to build a story from in your career.

The letters originally describe German words, but I tried to translate them in a fitting way.


  • first write down the problem that you had

Erschwernis (Encumbrance)

  • what made this problem difficult?

Tätigkeit (Task)

  • what did you do, to fulfill this task, despite its difficulties?

Erkenntnis/Erfolg (Experience)

  • what did you learn from it?

Stärke (Strength)

  • which of your strengths does this emphasize?