Red Yellow And Green - Recognizing When You Are Stressed Out And Need A Break
topic: πͺ Parenting
source: Erziehen ohne Schimpfen
tags: #permanent-noteΒ #published
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You can express your stress level like a traffic light. The issue is, we often don't realize how often we are close to the red zone.
Imagine a traffic light of your stress during the day:
Green means that you are still in contact with your child
Red means, we are out of our mind, in rage and frighten our children
Yellow is the middle between these two. It's the moment when we leave the green zone and are on our way to red.
It can be very difficult to realize when you are in the yellow part and are only inches away of getting red. We often get angry because of some random, tiny event, that usually wouldn't bother us. But since we are so close to the outburst, this drop is enough to trigger us.
We need to learn to feel, when we are in the yellow area and find ways to calm ourselves before we trip into the red part. We can also ask others to tell us, when we are close to the edge. E.g. you can tell your kids to say "green", when you are getting angry to remind you, that you seem to be in the yellow or red zone.